
Quark was a game devised for a game design university project. It was developed with a group of 4 people using Unreal Engine 4. It is a birds-eye stealth game with the premise being: You are a pacifist scientist and your lab facility has just been infiltrated by a malicious enforcer group. You must use the gadgets around your laboratory to escape without being detected. We designed different gadgets that had distinct game mechanics interacting with enemy AI, and interesting levels to traverse.

  • Project was first brain-stormed, planned, and designed as a team.
    • Roles were assigned and schedule made for completing game-play features.
  • Was tasked as Project Manager.
  • I was also in charge of programming using Unreal’s visual programming language BluePrint and animating sprites.
  • Enemy behavioural AI using Behaviour Trees.

Lessons Learned:

I learned how difficult it can be to make a game with team members having different schedules and competing interests. We had to settle on what we all liked and some of us had to deal with not having what we wanted to be in the game. Learning BluePrint was a fun new experience. Using Unreal’s Behaviour Tree system really made me passionate about AI and made me realise it was a subject I want to learn much more about.
