Foundation of this Blog This post outlines the journey of updating my blog, a story I realized I’ve never shared—the original construction of this site. Embarking on this project was more daunting than anticipated, encompassing both the initial setup and the subsequent updates. Thus, detailing this experience seemed necessary. In 2020, amidst job searching, I sought a digital space to display and discuss my projects—a hybrid of a portfolio and a blog.

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Docker containers are stateless, meaning that they are not gauranteed to keep data if restarted. However if we’re using docker for a postgres database we want to be sure our data persists. Theoretically, we could just never stop the docker container, but issues outside of our control could happen such as crashes or power outages. We get around this problem by mounting a volume to our container and storing the data there.

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Last year I played the game Pathfinder Kingmaker and had issues while trying to finish a quest. The quest required you kill 50 specific monsters spread throughout the game. However, the game did tell you which monsters you had killed, just how many. This made it difficult to complete the quest as if you were only missing 1 or 2 monsters, even if you looked online for their locations, if you didn’t know which monsters were missing you would still have to check all locations.

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RuneCaster started as a game project I developed at University based on an assignment I was given to build a mobile game using the Java library LibGDX. Mobile games weren’t something I personally played so it was a learning process for me and required me to look into and test other popular games on the platform. I wanted to make use a strength of mobile devices, the touch screen, so the main mechanic was to cast spells by drawing matching runes once prompted on the screen.

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While living in Tokyo I volunteered for a convention “Tokyo Sandbox.” Which focuses on giving indie game developers the opportunity to show their work to game industry veterans and investors. During this event I met the developer for an RPG game called “Adel” at the time. They were looking for someone to develop the AI for their game which lead to me eventually working with him and his company Shinyuden. As of 2018 the game has been released on PlayStation, Switch, Steam and Xbox.

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This was a project completed for a University assignment. Our task was to find an interesting dataset and visualize it in a meaningful and in depth way. I searched through kaggle and found a dataset for conflicts in Africa, then found its source, the ACLED website, and obtained even more up to date data. I used R for the visualization and combined the ACLED data with other datasets from the world bank, such as GDP and Population, to gain more understanding of the data and attempt to find hidden meaning.

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This project was developed for a university assignment to understand the use of game engines. The engine in this case being Unity. The task was to develop a 3D printing simulations using certain features of Unity. It had to be 3D with a first-person view point and keyboard-based locomotion. The 3D printer itself had to be controlled via an in-game button interface and the printing needed to be visualised in a unique way of my choice.

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Quark was a game devised for a game design university project. It was developed with a group of 4 people using Unreal Engine 4. It is a birds-eye stealth game with the premise being: You are a pacifist scientist and your lab facility has just been infiltrated by a malicious enforcer group. You must use the gadgets around your laboratory to escape without being detected. We designed different gadgets that had distinct game mechanics interacting with enemy AI, and interesting levels to traverse.

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A game of blackjack programmed using Python without the use of classes and other object-orientated features. Features: Betting Insurance Surrender Split Double

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For a university assignment I scraped comments across several of Australia’s ABC News YouTube channel videos and performed sentiment analysis on said data. Firstly, I wrote a critical analysis paper in which I describe the dynamics of YouTube and other social media scraping, sentiment analysis and authorship attribution using academic research and other resources. This paper can be found here. Secondly, I wrote a paper based on the exploration of the scraped data and its sentiment (which was calculated using SentiStrength.

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